Friday, June 12, 2015

Gravitating Back...

Strange the directions life takes you. For whatever reasons, what was once a growing and seemingly prospering website has lost its vitality. Not sure if it's because less people find my content interesting, or Google and/or Facebook are phasing out "unauthorized" sources of information, or what. It could be that I haven't written as much of my own material, which aside from some freak occurrences where random posts have gone viral, have always gotten the most views. This blog is free and I've decided it's not worth paying money for anymore.

Not to mention, I have less to write about these days. Gone are the days when I felt like I had to share every discovery with the world. It's not that I don't care, I just don't have the time anymore, time to read, to take notes, to compile and write a coherent presentation on life, the universe, and everything. I have a home now, and I am trying to be as productive and self-sufficient here as I can, and there is little time for blogging.

I swore off politics in my previous post here almost four years ago. Some of my ideas here will be viewed as political, but as I have become "anarchist" in the most radical sense you can probably imagine, my views are a-political. In fact my anarchist tendencies are driven more from a spiritual foundation - that you are your own person, you own yourself, and you are fully empowered and responsible for your life, your life alone, and no one else's. So any arguments against the State, for anarchy, voluntarism, liberty, etc, arise from there. There are many articles I've written to this effect on my Conscious Resonance (god I hate that name) website, which I will gradually move here before killing the site altogether.

Thanks for reading, please give your thoughts in the comment sections, and may you be happy and free. Namaste.

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