Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Short History of American False Flag Ops

Exceptionalism is the belief that laws, rules, or cause and effect do not apply to you. For most Americans, this is our daily bread. Bad people only come from other countries or cultures. Bad things only happen to other countries or cultures. Never to us. We do things that we condemn or even attack other countries for doing. We're the exception. We're Americans.

We see it everyday, in our reaction to the economic calamity that has only begun to take shape and will alter the course of our history for generations to come. The fiscal policies enacted by our government and the Federal reserve have had catastrophic consequences at all times and to anyone who has been stupid enough to run up massive debt and debase their currency as we have and will continue to do, but we're Americans. Somehow, by some miracle or divine intervention, the laws of economics can be trumped by soaring rhetoric and throngs of adoring fans overwhelmed by an empty message of hope.

There must come a time, if we are to survive, when Americans will learn to distinguish between blind loyalty and patriotism. Blind loyalty succumbs to exceptionalism and triumphalism; the official narratives will be accepted without question, because our government doesn’t lie, and besides, wouldn’t do anything so horrible that it would even need to. Patriotism recognizes the greatness imbued in this country’s founding, but also recognizes that we have been led astray, that our government has become something wholly and utterly unlike what our Founders created for us. Lies are seen everywhere, not because of some unique insight, but simply because we recognize and acknowledge what is right in front of our faces, rather than allowing the denial that accompanies blind loyalty to cloud simple common sense.

In the annals of American foreign policy, revisionism, triumphalism, and exceptionalism run rampant. Most of whom we Americans consider heroes were really villains, but woe betides the commie freak who dares question history, which we ourselves have written. The cure for this exceptionalism is simple recognition of human nature, which is best defined, in my opinion, by Lord Acton's maxim, power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely. Understand that America has become the most powerful nation in the history of the world, and, applying human nature, must be, therefore, the most corrupt nation in the world. Americans occupy the same universe, live on the same planet, breathe the same air, as Hitler, Mao, Stalin, etc. Americans are not exempt from the powerlust that turned these men into monsters. And while no American has ever sunk to the depths of genocidal madness these men did, many have committed horrible crimes that have been written out of our history.

The history of our wars is a study of perfecting the art of duping an "enemy" into firing the first shot. Prior to the onset of the "Civil War", seven states had already seceded from the Union, including South Carolina, where Fort Sumter was located. The Confederacy had tried to work out a compromise with the North to reimburse them for forts in several states that were on what were federal lands before secession. Lincoln wanted no part of this. But South Carolina had warned Lincoln that any ships trying to re-supply the fort would be fired upon. The Confederacy would no more tolerate Union forts on Confederate lands than the colonists would have tolerated British fort on American lands after the Revolution. Lincoln's top military commander and most of his cabinet advised him to abandon the fort, and Lincoln promised them he would not attempt to re-provision it. He lied. He sent a supply ship accompanied by heavily armed battleships, but the warships stayed away from the fort and did not attack when the supply ship was fired upon. This was carefully choreographed to give the impression that South Carolina had aggressed against a civilian ship trying to feed starving people. Rarely does it occur to anyone that the best way to feed them would have been to fulfill his promise and return those troops to Union soil.

Afterwards Lincoln had the audacity to say of the incident, "Having thus chosen our course without guile and with pure purpose, let us renew our trust in God, and go forward without fear and with manly hearts." Not even northern newspapers were fooled. The Jersey City American Standard wrote of the incident, "There is a madness and ruthlessness" in Lincoln's behavior "which is astounding ... this unarmed vessel ... is a mere decoy to draw the first fire from the people of the South, which act by the pre-determination of the government is to be the pretext for letting loose the horrors of war." This is how the deadliest war in American history began, a war of aggression by the North to prevent the people of the South from exercising their rights to govern themselves as they see fit. Was this not what the Founders of this country wanted when they presented the throne of England with the Declaration of Independence? There is no clause in the constitution that gives the Federal government the right to prevent secession, nor any clause binding any state to the Union. Because of this, the 10th Amendment automatically bestows this right to the states and their people by default. Lincoln's war was unconstitutional, and, indeed, stood against everything this country is supposed to be about. And it was started over a lie.

World War I is considered by many historians to be the greatest disaster in the history of the West. Most Americans are not aware of the circumstances behind the outbreak of the war, or the circumstances behind our later involvement in it, which cost us the lives of over 300,000 Americans. From the outbreak of the war, America had adopted a policy of neutrality, but this was a charade. While Britain was violating international law with its starvation blockade of Germany, for which America and other “neutral” powers “seed[ed] to satisfy themselves with theoretical protest”, Germany retaliated by declaring the waters surrounding the British islands a war zone, and that any enemy merchant vessels found in these waters were subject to submarine attacks. This policy was rapidly and forcefully condemned by Wilson. Wilson’s double standard and façade of neutrality played a key role in American involvement in the war. John Bassett Moore of Columbia University, who also served as a judge at the International Court of Justice after the war, argued that “what most decisively contributed to the involvement of the United States in the war was the assertion of a right to protect belligerent ships on which Americans saw fit to travel and the treatment of armed belligerent merchantmen as peaceful vessels. Both assumptions were contrary to reason, and no other professed neutral advanced them.” A neutral must hold the scales even and favor neither side.

Thus brought about the events that led to the sinking of the Lusitania and America’s eventual involvement in the war. The morning the Lusitania was set to make its fateful final voyage, Count Johann von Bernstorff warned that British vessels were “liable to destruction”, and cautioned that travelers on ships sailing through the war zone did so at their own risk. An ad was taken out by the German government in the NY Times, placed directly opposed to an ad from The Cunard Line advertising the Lusitania, stating,

    Travelers intending to embark on the Atlantic voyage are reminded that a state of war exists between Germany and her allies and Great Britain and her allies; that the zone of war includes the waters adjacent to the British Isles; that, in accordance with formal notice given by the Imperial German Government, vessels flying the flag of Great Britain, or any of her allies, are liable to destruction in those waters and that travelers sailing in the war zone on ships of Great Britain or her allies do so at their own risk.

Americans and sea goers from other countries generally ignored this warning, mostly due to the Lusitania’s superior speed – far faster than a German u-boat – but the Germans carried out on their threat. Having slowed substantially due to heavy fog in the Irish Channel, the Lusitania was struck by a single torpedo, causing unusually severe damage. The Titanic stayed afloat for two hours despite catastrophic damage to its hull, yet the Lusitania, also a substantially large ship, was brought down in less than 20 minutes. This is almost certainly due to the fact that, in addition to its civilian passengers, it was also carrying munitions. Survivors reported hearing a muffled, secondary explosion that emanated from the bottom of the ship. Indeed, a later investigation found that over 5,000 cases of ammunition were stored aboard the vessel. Secretary of State William Jennings pointed this out to Wilson, as well as the hypocrisy of his double standard towards Britain’s starvation blockade, that Germany had agreed to halt submarine warfare if Britain would end the starvation blockade, to which Britain refused. “Why be shocked by the drowning of a few people, if there is to be no objection to starving a nation?” Convinced he was part of an administration hell-bent on war, Bryan resigned.

It soon became apparent to many in the US government that Wilson was, indeed, intent on entering the war. Thomas P Gore introduced a non-binding resolution in Congress calling upon the president to declare that Americans traveling on armed merchant ships through the war zone did so at their own risk. It was enormously popular. Wilson used all threats and influences at his disposal to defeat it, prompting the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee to respond, “Mr President, I have followed you in your domestic policies but – by God! I shall not follow you into war with Germany.” Americans did not follow, but were dragged, into war by Wilson. He began arming American merchant ships with US Navy guns and staffing them with Navy crews, and sent them into the war zone with orders to sink any surfacing submarines they encountered. Four American ships had been sunk by the time Wilson requested a declaration of war from Congress.

It is now widely accepted that Wilson wanted into the war for the simple reason of self-aggrandizement: he wanted into the war so he could influence the war’s aftermath. Though he had brought the Germans to the Versailles under the guise of his 14 Points, in which he outlined a doctrine of “peace without victory” – a peace concerned more with justice than with vengeance – the other powers were concerned with making Germany suffer. But what really mattered to Wilson was his League of Nations, an idea so dear to him that the other Allied powers knew they could coerce him to abandon his 14 Points simply by threatening to boycott the League. Wilson, far from principled, was drunk on the idea of being viewed as the savior of mankind, a pipe dream that he recklessly sacrificed over a quarter of a million American lives to achieve.

”Where was Hitler born,” Lady Astor is said to have been asked. “At Versailles,” she replied. In fact, much of the current problems of today trace their roots to the aftermath of WWI. Wilson had intended to give minority populations of Europe the right to self-determination, but in practice this only succeeded in creating more minorities. The newly created Czechoslovakia, for example, had 3 million Germans, mostly in the Sudeten region, which Hitler annexed prior to the outset of WWII. Other large portions of German-speaking Europe were parceled out to Poland, Italy and France. The port city of Danzig, which was 95% German, was declared a “free city” under the control of the League of Nations. Austria was reduced to its German-speaking core, and despite overwhelming support for a union of Austria and German, Wilson expressly forbid it. Britain’s starvation blockade continued for four months after Germany’s surrender hundreds of thousands of Germans died during this period alone - which to Hitler justified the expansion of German territory – more land to feed the people. The Fourteen Points outlined a plan of general disarmament, but the Treaty of Versailles only sought to disarm Germany – stripping her of all naval, tank, and air forces, and reducing her standing army to a mere 100,000. The treaty put the full brunt of blame for the war on Germany. This is not to defend anything that Hitler stood for or did, but to point out that the political and social circumstances that brought about his rise to power were undoubtedly fomented at Versailles.

The debacle of WWI and the Treaty of Versailles, which is directly responsible for WWII and in fact makes the two great wars really one war with a twenty year recess, is only one of Wilson’s myriad crimes which makes him the worst president in American history – the creation of the income tax and the Federal Reserve being others. However, like WWI, American public opinion, which favored neutrality and wanted nothing to do with the destructive affairs of Europe, kept America out of the war. However, as Wilson’s Secretary of Navy, Franklin D. Roosevelt had witnessed the immense power, glory, and adoration heaped upon Wilson in the aftermath of WWI. Throngs of adoring Europeans lined train tracks just to watch Wilson’s train go by. This had a profound influence on FDR, but the overwhelming feeling of neutrality in America (over 80% opposed entering the war) denied him his own glory. The Roosevelt administration would thus embark on an active campaign to lure the Axis powers into attacking America. First, despite our supposed neutrality, Roosevelt had neutrality legislation altered so that America could sell arms to Britain on a cash and carry basis. Then, initially by executive order alone, weapons of war, including warships, were supplied to Britain, USSR, China and France, in exchange for 99-year leases on foreign military bases in territories such as Newfoundland, Bermuda, and the British West Indies. At this point, all pretenses of neutrality were tossed out the window, as American ships openly incited incidents with German u-boats – “neutral” American warships were ordered to fire upon German submarines on sight. So desperate was FDR to con the American people to support entering the war that he concocted a farcical, bogus story of a secret map detailing a Nazi invasion plan for South America, from which the Nazis could advance on the United States. Aware of Germany’s inability to simply cross the English Channel, few Americans were dumb enough to believe this grotesque propaganda.

More action would be needed to change public opinion in favor of entering the war, and it was decided by the administration that Japan was the most effective route to take. By 1941 FDR had frozen all Japanese assets in the United States and coordinated a boycott of essential goods and services, particularly oil. Cutting off oil substantially increased the likelihood of war with Japan, and FDR knew it. In light of this embargo, the Japanese were left with three choices: one was to surrender to American demands to withdraw from Manchuria and lose face. Another was negotiation, a route actively pursued by the Japanese and refused by Roosevelt. The third was war, expanding Japanese territory further into the Pacific to obtain the resources needed, which were lost to the embargo. The Roosevelt administration had left Japan with little recourse. Manchuria, they believed, was needed as a buffer zone against Stalin’s Soviet Union. They were willing to abandon all of Indochina and China under the condition that they be allowed to save face by leaving expeditionary forces in these territories, but Roosevelt refused negotiation. And in fact, it was the express intent of the administration to provoke the Japanese. Secretary of War Henry Stimson expressed this desire in his October 16, 1941 diary entry, saying, “We face the delicate question of the diplomatic fencing to be done so as to be sure Japan is put into the wrong and makes the first bad move - overt move.” And again on November 25, he wrote of the intent to “maneuver [Japan] into the position of firing the first shot.” Similarly, Secretary of Interior Harold Ickes wrote in his diary on October 16, 1941, "For a long time I have believed that our best entrance into the war would be by way of Japan." Navy Lieutenant Commander Arthur H. McCollum, head of the Far East desk of the Office of Naval Intelligence, wrote a memorandum outlining 8 points of action for drawing the Japanese into an attack. All 8 points were implemented by Roosevelt. “If by these means Japan could be led to commit an overt act of war, so much the better,” said McCollum.

Not only was a Japanese attack on America wanted, the exact place and date of the attack was known, and kept secret, by the Roosevelt administration. Japanese communication codes were cracked by American Army intelligence. Historian Charles Bateson wrote that "Magic (the security designation given to decoded Japanese transmissions) standing alone points so irresistibly to the Pearl Harbor attack that it is inconceivable anybody could have failed to forecast the Japanese move." The NSA reached the same conclusion in 1955. Britain, Netherlands, Australia, Peru, Korea and the Soviet Union all warned of an impending Japanese attack, but these were all ignored, so that, on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, American forces at Pearl Harbor were in a general state of calm as the Japanese task force approached. Even radar readings of approaching planes were ignored. A day of infamy, indeed, but not because of a Japanese “surprise” attack on America. Roosevelt sacrificed over 2,400 American lives that day, to fight a war that would eventually cost over a quarter of a million more; a war that was never America’s war. It was Roosevelt’s.

The American reaction to Roosevelt’s false flag scheme couldn’t have been more favorable. Over a million Americans enlisted in the aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbor, and the 20th Century was marred with false flag operations by the US government. In 1953, the CIA and MI6 overthrew the democratically elected Muhammad Mossadeq in Iran. Setting their sites on Iran’s oil, which Mossadeq had nationalized, Brigadier General Norman Schwarzkopf (father of the Gulf War commander) and CIA guru Kermit Roosevelt (grandson of Teddy) were ordered to engage in a covert operation to elevate the Shah – at that point an authoritarian monarch who’s power had been marginalized by Mossadeq’s rise to power and immense popularity – to absolute authority. Operation Ajax enacted staged terror attacks that were then blamed on Mossadeq. The home of a prominent religious leader was bombed, as well as a mosque. Civilians were gunned down. Handbills were distributed blaming Mossadeq for the atrocities, and said “up with Mossadeq, down with Allah.” The CIA’s own website describes the plan:

    The plan comprised propaganda, provocations, demonstrations, and bribery, and employed agents of influence, "false flag" operatives, dissident military leaders, and paid protestors. The measure of success seemed easy enough to gauge—"[a]ll that really mattered was that Tehran be in turmoil…"

Keep this in mind when assessing Bush and Obama’s neo-Wilsonian policy of spreading democracy in the Middle East, as well as when gauging our stance towards the virulently anti-Western Iranian government, its existence in large part the responsibility of American intervention. The Shah was, from this point forward, viewed as a creature of America, and America became an accessory to the 25 year reign of terror that ensued.

For 40 years, under Operation Gladio (Latin, “sword”), NATO and Western intelligence agencies staged bombings throughout the world that were blamed on Communist and Leftist radicals. Trains, schools, and buses were targeted, knowing that the images of dead children would stir outrage among the populations, which would then turn to the government and demand greater security.

It is now almost universally agreed and accepted that American involvement in Vietnam centered around a false flag operation, the staged attack by Vietnamese PT boats against American warships in the Gulf of Tonkin. There is now no doubt that there was no attack against American destroyers. In 1965 Johnson himself casually admitted, “For all I know, our Navy was shooting at whales out there.” One of the Navy pilots flying overhead that night, James Stockdale, who later became a POW and then Ross Perot's vice presidential candidate, said, "I had the best seat in the house to watch that event, and our destroyers were just shooting at phantom targets — there were no PT boats there." But American newspapers told the public that they must "face the fact that the Communists, by their attack on American vessels in international waters, have themselves escalated the hostilities." In November 2001, however, the Times of London reported that of a secret recording in which Johnson berated Robert McNamara, his Defense Secretary, for misleading him. "You said: 'Damn, they are launching an attack on us, they are firing on us.' When we got through with all the firing, we concluded maybe they hadn't fired at all." This knowledge didn’t stop Johnson from continuous escalation, with the end result being 12 years of war, 58,000 Americans killed and 155,000 wounded or missing, as well as over a million and a half dead Vietnamese. Evidence has since emerged that, not only was it known that the probability of victory in Vietnam was slim, American leadership did everything in possible to facilitate a prolonged quagmire that would serve the military industrial complex and banking interests which profited from this and all wars.

In 1967 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff LL Limnitzer concocted a strategy of false flag operations designed to rouse support for interventions in Cuba and the Middle East. Operation Northwoods involved shooting Americans, sinking refugee boats fleeing Cuba, and terrorist attacks launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Another scenario featured in the plan, involving the sinking of an American warship, was carried out in coordination with Israel during the Six Day War. President Johnson sent the USS Liberty into the eastern Mediterranean to collect electronic intelligence in the area. Fourteen miles off the coast of Israel, the Liberty was attacked by Israeli warplanes and torpedo boats. The heavily damaged warship called for air support from the nearby Sixth Fleet, but when US warplanes were launched they were recalled by the White House. When Rear Admiral Lawrence Geiss called the President to confirm the order, Johnson, who was aware of and had choreographed the attack with Israel, told Geiss, “I want that godamn ship going to the bottom.” The attack was to be blamed on Egypt and used as a pretext for American involvement in the war and control over the entire Middle East. Fortunately, Israeli forces were unable to sink the ship before witnesses arrived and were forced to withdraw. In the aftermath, the captain and his crew were told that if they reported the attack they would spend the rest of their lives in prison, or even be killed. Captain William L McGonagle was given the Congressional Medal of Honor in secret and told not to tell anyone he had won the award.

In October 1976 two bombs were exploded aboard a Cuban passenger plane, killing 76 people including Olympic athletes from three countries. The convicted bomber of the flight, Luis Posada Carriles, a Cuban-born Venezuelan and anti-Castro dissident, was a CIA agent. How can we profess to be fighting a global war on terror when our own government has a detailed and documented history of committing terrorist attacks?

With the previous history of false flag operations in mind, many of them involving terrorist attacks against civilians by our own government, one cannot view the events of September 11th without casting a suspicious eye on government involvement. Shedding our knee-jerk reaction towards denial – how could our government participate in the deaths of over 3,000 of its own people? – and allowing our common sense to take over, that our government is responsible for the attack becomes obvious. How is it that both towers of the WTC came down in identical fashion, and at free-fall speed? Common sense tells you that that much concrete and steel cannot fall in on itself at the rate of free-fall, unless explosives were involved. What else could move that much matter out of the way at such speed? Each tower fell in under 10 seconds. Drop a billiard ball from that high and it will hit the ground in 9. Watch the collapse of WTC 7. It is so obviously a controlled demolition it is impossible to ignore. Once again, a building that was not hit by the planes collapses in free-fall. Other buildings in the complex received catastrophic damage from the collapse of the towers, and yet remained standing. WTC 7’s damage was relatively minor compared to other buildings. How is it that Larry Silverstein, leaseholder of the WTC, admitted that WTC 7 was demolished by controlled demolition, and yet to this day it is still conventional wisdom that it fell due to damage sustained from the collapse of the towers? “I remember getting a call from the fire department commander,” Silverstein told PBS, “telling me they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire. I said, ‘we’ve had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is to just pull it.’ And we made the decision to pull, and we watched the building collapse.” To “pull” a building is to demolish it. Given this fact, how is it possible that within a few scant hours they were able to wire a 47 story building containing multiple fires for controlled demolition and execute a perfect implosion, and why was this very obvious fact not addressed by the 9-11 Commission nor the Popular Mechanics article that supposedly debunked all 9-11 Myths? It doesn’t take a massive leap of faith to ask these questions and come to the conclusion that the official narrative is one massive lie; it is common sense.

This essay is already expansive, and to document the list of inconsistencies and obvious and outright lies in the official narrative could fill a book. The whole truth is out there, if you are willing to seek it.

In closing, a rhetorical question: what is the point? Why point all of this out? Is it to make Americans ashamed for what their country is, to hate it, to hate themselves? Absolutely not. The point is, Americans go about their daily lives with the false belief that their country is a “shining city on a hill,” or, as Nixon so blasphemously described us, the “last best hope for Mankind.” There is much to love about America – our culture, our early history, the greatness of our founding and our Founders, and of course, the geography. Make the distinction between loving your country and blind loyalty to the State, your government. Realize that our government does not resemble the republic our Founders bestowed upon us over two and a quarter centuries ago. And understand why, as outlaid in the introduction of this essay: that absolute power corrupts absolutely. In the Federalist Papers #51, James Madison says that, if men were angels, government would be unnecessary. But who makes up government? Certainly not angels. And certainly people far more corruptible than the average person, for the simple reason that government bestows upon them a power that cannot be found outside of government. With this knowledge in mind, that our government has become the heinous leviathan it is today not only should be unsurprising to us, it should be expected. Over the course of 233 years, government has slowly and incrementally usurped the power reserved for the individual states and the people. There is little left that represents constitutional government and authority in our halls of power; politicians are free to oppress us as they will.

Sixty years ago, President Eisenhower warned us of the corrupt and illegal influence of the military industrial complex. Was it a prescient warning, or was he aware of an emerging power that most people were not? President Kennedy signed executive order 11110, which severely limited the power of the Federal Reserve over fiscal policy, and he also expressed a desire to pull us out of Vietnam. His brother Robert shared a similar view; both were brutally murdered. There is nothing that can bring more wealth to the banking oligarchy, of which the Fed is party to, than war. This is why we fight; not to kill “terrorists” or spread “democracy, but to empower and enrich already wealthy and powerful elites.

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