Wednesday, July 27, 2011

No link between 9/11 exposure and cancer: U.S.

Well I guess that settles it. The government says it doesn't cause cancer, even though asbestos, known to be in the dust, is a proven carcinogen, and one of the more potent ones at that, and even though the White House ordered the EPA to lie about the air quality around Ground Zero in the days after 9-11 so that Wall Street could begin trading again. More people will die from this crime than the actual attack itself, and the government just swept it under the rug, nice and tidy. But since we all know conspiracies don't exist, just pretend you didn't read all that. Go watch TV.

    The Raw Story -

    A US government review of scientific studies has shown no proof that exposure to the dust and rubble from the World Trade Center after the attacks of September 11, 2001 caused cancer.

    The review of peer-reviewed medical and scientific literature sparked anger among some firefighters, police and other first responders who said they have seen too many colleagues suffer from cancer to believe that there was no link.

    "Insufficient evidence exists at this time to propose a rule to add cancer, or a certain type of cancer, to the list of WTC-related health conditions," said the review released Tuesday by John Howard, a doctor who heads the US government's World Trade Center Health Program.

Read it all.

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