Thursday, September 3, 2009

Government to hire 270,000 tax feeders by 2012

At this rate, with government exploding and the private sector withering, will we become like North Korea, where, if you don't work for the government, you starve? Can't happen in America. Can it?

Of course, once these jobs are created, government can never eliminate them, because their "goal" is zero unemployment, even though they know that intervention in the economy destroys it and makes job creation impossible. Oh yes, they know this.

    Milwaukee Business Journal -

    Federal agencies will be hiring more than 270,000 workers for mission-critical jobs by the end of September 2012, according to a new report from the Partnership for Public Service.

    The total projected hiring for mission-critical jobs is expected to jump by more than 40 percent during fiscal 2010 to 2012, compared to the previous three years.

    The Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit compiled the report by surveying 35 federal agencies about government-wide projected hiring needs for the next three years.

    Most federal hiring will be concentrated in five fields: medical and public health; security and protection; compliance and enforcement; legal; and program management, says the report.

    The medical and public health arena has 54,114 projected hires, with large concentrations of jobs within the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Health and Human Services. Wanted job areas include nursing, occupational and rehabilitation therapy, and radiology.

    In security and protection, there are 52,077 projected hires in areas of intelligence analysis, international relations, foreign affairs and security administration. The most concentrated job type in the field is a transportation security officer within the Department of Homeland Security, which has 34,500 projected hires.

    Compliance and enforcement has 31,276 projected hires, many of which are in DHS, for such jobs as inspectors, investigators and customs and border patrol and protection.

    The legal field has 23,596 projected hires and there are 17,287 projected hires in administration and program management.

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