Thursday, November 12, 2009

Deputies Hold Boy Who Fled Flu Shot

I can't think of a more grotesque but appropriate image of tyranny in America than a boy being held down and forcibly poisoned. And the mother, indoctrinated away from her maternal instincts to protect her son from harm, and made to believe she and her child are property of the State, flees the scene, helpless, unable to bear the sight. All free-thinking, sovereign individuals must know: you are not slaves. You are not their property. They will not medicate us against our will. It is events like this that empower and facilitate tyranny. If we refuse to stand up for ourselves, they will step on our necks.

    The Intelligencer -

    WHEELING - It took the strength of two sheriff's deputies to keep a middle schooler still enough to receive a shot of the swine flu, or H1N1, vaccine at a recent clinic.

    During a regular Wheeling-Ohio County Health Board meeting Tuesday, health department Administrator Howard Gamble told board members about the student's attempt to flee Wheeling Middle School during a vaccination clinic held there last Friday.

    He noted the boy's mother could not bear to watch the scene and left the gymnasium. Out of apparent fear of receiving the injection, the student ran out of the building. The school's resource officer, Ohio County Sheriff's Deputy John Haglock, coaxed the boy back inside. Once at the shot station, however, Haglock apparently needed some help keeping the boy still, and another deputy assisted.

    "He tried to run. I looked over and saw two sheriff's deputies holding a kid down," Gamble said. "Mom took off, she couldn't take it. You had one nurse with the needle, two deputies holding him, one nurse is grabbing hands - because that's what they want to do, to go after the needle. And that's the last thing you want."

    Gamble said as soon as the nurse gave the boy his injection and told him he was done, he hopped up like nothing had happened.

    "For the most part they go very easy. As far as the shots, every once in awhile you have to hold down one or two - but that's why mom is there or dad is there," Gamble said.

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